These packs are ideal for monthly staff consumable budgeting and also Prevent Theft And Pilferage. By Introducing our Staff Office Ration Packs to manage office supplies and resources you say goodbye to Unnecessary Costs And Hello To Savings! No more last minute petty cash dash to your local grocer if you run out of something - it's a sure way to cut down on theft and wastage!
A staff Ration pack generally includes items such as Tea, Coffee, Sugar and creamer although with over 800 items to choose from you are able to adjust each pack to suit your employee's preference and your budget. Imagine the eases of purchasing your monthly staff consumables from one place all online from the comfort of your own desk!
TPak Distributors will go the extra mile for all our customers based within Kwa-Zulu Natal and Deliver For FREE (If Your Company Is Based In Kwa-Zulu-Natal.) For customers further afield we offer very comparative transportation costs within South Africa.